Namuncha Dispensary

The Namuncha Dispensary was staffed with two nurses and equipped with a gas driven fridge to keep the vaccines cool.  In early 2024 a solar panel was installed by the community to keep the vaccine fridge at the necessary temperature.  Later that year the Friends of Namuncha funded another panel, battery and invertor to ensure a lighting system.

The letter of thanks from Isabella and Elijah, the dispensary nurses.

Dear Friends of Namuncha,

On behalf of the entire Namuncha community, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation of a solar system to our dispensary. Your kindness has brought a much-needed solution to our longstanding power challenges.

Previously, we struggled with inadequate lighting, often relying on torches while delivering babies. Charging our phones was also a major challenge, sometimes leaving us unreachable during emergencies and delaying important reports due to a lack of power. The only solar we had was dedicated to the fridge, leaving other critical needs unmet.

Now, thanks to your support, we have a reason to celebrate. Our dispensary is better equipped to serve the community, and we can provide medical care with greater efficiency and safety. We look forward to the day when Kenya Power installs a transformer, which will further improve our services.

Once again, thank you for your generosity and for making a lasting impact on our community.

With sincere appreciation

Namuncha Dispensary

Next step the Hospital will be finished.

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