What's Happening

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Frank Huffer's Pumpkin Sale, September 2022

During the long dry summer Frank, volunteer 2018, grew a crop of pumpkins that he sold with the profits, £280, going to FoN.



Starting on the 18th May there is a three day workshop with Joan Otieno, facilitating the girls to describe on canvas what it is to be a girl in Namuncha.

Primary School Girl’s Rest Room

**June 2021, £6000 now raised to the building fund.**


What’s Happening in the Searle Street Cake Club?

Click on the text above to find out what has been happening and the plans for next month in the SSCC.

Secondary School Bursaries

In December / January most of the pupils in Class 8 move to the Peace Secondary School.

The Friends raise money every year to ensure that children from needy families can get to school and are feed during the summer holidays. Follow the link above to find out more and see how you can help.

Beekeeping in Namuncha

The beekeepers team now have a new logo (see right) for their marketing and their honey, as soon as the bees start producing.



First Chimney installed and working, Dramatic drop in CO levels. 

For more details follow this link

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